These two chapters were originally offered for free on this website to complement the first edition of the book. The second edition has both these chapters included in the print edition. I will leave them up here for anyone who still has the first edition.
This chapter explores various ways one can learn prop making, whether through vocational training, colleges and universities, or even graduate school programs. It looks at the benefits and costs of each. The second half of the chapter looks at careers and jobs in prop making. It begins with a rundown of all the various types of jobs and ways to work as a prop builder in theatre, film, television and other industries. The chapter finishes with guidance in finding work and building a career.
Chapter 20 - Formal Training - PDF (1.2 MB)
A prop maker is only as good as the props she or he makes. Unless you want to carry around every prop you have ever made, you will need to keep a portfolio. This chapter gives some of the basic fundamentals of how to record and display your work, whether online or on paper. It also gives advice on how to photograph your props as well as possible. A lousy photograph of a great prop may make it look like a lousy prop.